Reflections on a CPD course

By Mike James | 14th October 2019 | Event

Reflection on the Rocktape Fascial Movement Taping Seminar (FMT1), London, 28.9.19.

Sportsinjuryfix member Jon Tibke of Personal Best recently attended a CPD course through our member benefits section. Here he reflects on the course.

Last month I decided to take up one of the offers available to SportsInjuryFix members and attend day one of Rocktape’s Fascial Movement Taping training (FMT1). I'm glad I did, for a number of reasons.

The location was easily accessed (on this occasion the University College of Osteopathy) and the day was an effective blend of the theoretical principles that underlie taping and plenty of time to practise applying it, to each other.

jon-tibke-sports-injury-fix-course-blog-rocktape-logoI was impressed with the trainer, Nic Perrem, who has a strong professional background both academically and in practice across a range of sports and settings. It was clear from the outset that Nic’s role did not involve any ‘hard sell’ of Rocktape’s products and in fact via Nic Rocktape came across as an open and honest company that recognises the contested and as yet quite inconclusive theories of why taping works (and why it sometimes doesn’t) and the need for more high quality, reliable research.

The booklet for the day contained a good selection of information on the available research, along with the information slides and photos of the various taping configurations that we practised. I haven't used tape a great deal in my own work, so the opportunity to handle it all day provided a concentrated practice session that would not arise in any other circumstances. I can see now why some practitioners look so slick in their handling of tape and I gleaned lots of tips on how to achieve that. I don't think it inspires confidence in one’s clients when you cut it too long, too short, get it stuck to your fingers instead of them etc!

Another useful practical consideration that was touched upon was how to charge for taping, either as a separate offer or at least in order to cover the costs of the tape itself. Other brands are available, as they say, but we did also briefly consider what distinguishes the more expensive tape brands from the cheaper ones. Given how tape is believed to work, I’m not entirely convinced about this, though I do have a client who used some very cheap stuff on herself, which she had got from a popular discount store - removing it was more like taking up gaffa tape than kinesiology tape.

jon-tibke-kinesiology-tape-rocktape-course-photoThough we were not formally assessed during the day, Nic kept a close eye on what we were all doing and it will do me no harm to add the certificate to my collection. Those of you with more experience of taping would probably be better looking at day 2.

Only downside was removing the extensive practice done on my my quite hairy back, but I don't think I can blame Rocktape for that!

Thanks to Jon for both attending and reviewing the course. To access this course and many other member benefits visit your page here

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